Mahmoud El Marsafy (1927 - 2013)

"El-Marsafy was a true scientist: what he believed in, he always stood by it! His dedication to education was exemplary! And I see his daughter is in his foot steps." Mohan Singh, December 2013).


* 1954: Ph.D in Biochemistry from University College London in 1954.

* 1954 - 1989: Working career as an industrialistat at Arab Pharmaceutical glass company Suez/Egypt .

* 1989 - 1999: Pre-service-training at Ain Shams University Cairo / Faculty of Education / Chemistry Department: Thousands of students learned how to teach chemistry based on Microscale Chemistry Experimentation performed by using ampoules, syringes and dropper bottles.

* 1997: Workshop at Wisconsin Chemical Education Institute / USA
* 1998: Research and Workshop at National Microscale Center Merrimack College, USA
* 1999 until now: Teacher and consultant (Ministry of Education of ARE, different schools), upgrading microscale experiments.

* Cooperation with Lauterbach) and at ..Justus-von-Liebig University, Gießen) in Germany.
* Co-author in the proceeding of the International Conferences on Chemical Education in Cairo, Budapest, Peking, Istanbul, Seoul (1998 - 2006).

* Co-Autor of an English book on microscale experimentation and its German translation (2012).

First publication: 1995                                                                           last modification: 22.12.2013