Peter Schwarz (Lauterbach / Germany)

  • 1963 - 1993 Teaching biology and chemistry at high schools in Germany (Lauterbach) and Egypt (DEO Cairo).
  • 1993 - 1996 Integrated Expert in the Egyptian Ministry of Education (In-service teacher training).
  • 1997 Short term expert in Jordan (EU-Project "Improving teacher training at Jordan Universities)"
  • 1997 - 2014 "Marketing" and further developing the methodical access of El Marsafy  
  1.  In-service training at schools (Germany, Egypt, Turkey, Zimbabwe) and during conferences in Austria, Chile, Egypt, Georgia, Korea, Kuweit, Mexico, Thailand.

2. Publications in journals, proceedings, e-books in English and in German, DVDs and in

3. Contributions to this homepage

First publication on MCE: 1995